Follow Up Refresher Package:
The Strong Interest Inventory +
Full Review

Perhaps you've graduated from college or have been working for a couple of years, and don't feel like you're in the "right" career for you. I designed this package to give you fresh clarity, new options, fresh direction, so you can move into the career you're meant for. It includes the most in-depth interest inventory available, plus a thorough review of all your past assessments and your career and education history. You'll leave with an actionable plan to move forward.

The Strong Interest Inventory is the most in-depth interest assessment available.  It's considered to be the "gold-standard" interest assessment available today.  It not only identifies what you like and dislike, but it also compares all of your likes and dislikes to those of people who are very satisfied in different occupations.

Your purchase includes:

  • Two hours total consultation,
  • Strong Interest Inventory assessment,
  • Strong Interest Inventory Interpretative Report,
  • Review of past assessments and testing,
  • Thorough review of past career and education history, and
  • either one 2-hour or two 1-hour meetings to help identify and analyze your best career options and map out your next steps, so you have a clear plan of action moving forward.
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Within one business day of receipt of completed order form and client name and email, we will email full directions for taking the Strong Interest Inventory and scheduling your meeting(s). 


*If opting for the two payments option, the second payment will automatically be charged 30 days after the first payment.

*By submitting this form you are affirming that you've read and agree to the full Terms & Policies found here
